Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas Morning...

Christmas morning Tommy and I were sleeping away. We woke up at 7:45! That is crazy late in our house!
As you can see, and assume, how on earth were photos taken if the Mommy and Daddy were still asleep?
Self photo taken
...and of course the movie control kid.
Now we know why we had a wonderful morning sleeping in. Overall they had taken about 50 photos on the tv, yes just the tv. Can't complain too much as all...WE GOT TO SLEEP IT!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Days before Jesus Birthday!

Three days in a row we celebrated Jesus birth. Sunday we headed north to my Aunt Lori and Uncle Dave's home. As you can see my Mom and Dad came too! Unfortunately I did get a picture of Lori, Dave, or my cousin Rachael who were there. Rachael and I enjoyed pool! Then my Dad and Tommy took over and played three times. Tommy and I love pool!
Monday we headed to my parents house. Gift opening was new to Mimi!
This photo was also at Lori and Dave's. They blessed the kids with clothes!
Mimi loved her new hat, and she loved wearing it despite the facial expression.
My Mom looked fabulous with or without the hat.
So continues Eli's obsession with babies, but now he has bottles for them. Mimi got two bottles in her stocking, Eli and Mimi fell in love with feeding their babies.
Eli did it like a busy parent, focusing on more than one thing!
Check out the focus!

What might this be?
A WSU, UW fly swatter! UW kind only!

Yup fell in love at WSU. Was an AXO lady (and still am). Found deep friendships. I followed the Love of my life to UW and graduated from UW with a degree in "Society, Ethics, and Human Behavior." Basically, I am a college mutt. 
Ty was so excited to give me a gift he had picked out... a beautiful PURPLE (my color)ornament for the tree.
Our gift to Noah.
Mimi was so excited to see what she was a matching apron!
She really wanted to be the center of attention...

The boys most fabulous gift. Cars that race in the dark or light!
Not only did the kids LOVE it, but Tommy and my Dad did too. My Dad was so excited to get it the kids that he had a hard time not giving them to the boys early, but he waited until Christmas!
Funny point of the this picture, do you see?
Mimi loved her new hate, but thought she was keeping herself hidden when I look this picture on our way home.
Christmas morning photos to come...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My Favorite Christmas Picture

Titus: Always loves to have me take pictures when he gives me funny faces.
Mimi: She was extremely ticked off at me for putting a hat on her. Her reaction made it even better.
Elijah: New smile... squeeze eyes together, and barely smiles... still adorable.

Community Group

What a fabulous Christmas party! Tommy and I feel so blessed that through getting pluged into a Community Group we have developed friends...
We love that weekly we have a get together that allows all the men and all the ladies to touch base on life, parenting, and our realationship with the Lord. Heather, the home of the Christmas Party we went to... Odette another dear friend from our Community Group... and church Mars Hill. 
My lovely kids hanging out with the other 20 something kiddos hanging out.
Even a suit!
Darren and Tommy chatting away... in a manly way of course.
Oh my dessert! 
Background story... what Tommy and I first got married I wanted to learn how to run a home in many Biblical wifely ways. The gal on the left was running a class at the Ballard location of our church at Mars Hill. She seriously transformed my abilty to cook, budget, and organize. I was so excited to see her 6 years later! The gal on the right is also a friendship built through out church...
This is "most" of the kids at the Christmas party. What a blessing kids are! A handful, but a blessing!
This little lady, Megan, she loves me when I am at Odette's
Jesus's Birthday Cake!

Curious Mimi
Eat Jack! This is one of Ty's close friends.
My dear friend Melissa :)


From the dough on, it was all homemade. Spinach, white sauce, chicken, on and on yum.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Preschool Project!

Titus was asked by his teacher to create a "get to know your Family" They were to include the things he loves to do, and any word he wanted to include.
I look pictures so that you can see the pictures, and the words he wanted to have on it.
This is a picture of Daddy's work car, Tommy really wanted to include it. As you know from the past he is the officer that teaches at Ty's preschool to all the different classes.
Ty picked the stickers.
Grumpy sister.
Lovely time with Aunt Becky at her beach house...
Of course he wanted to include his Mommy and Daddy.
Now this fabulous project is in the boy's bedroom hanging in the wall.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Parenting sucks sometimes.

The last couple weeks have been an uproar of storms in this home. Tommy and I am at the end of our patience. We need a vacation. When your own kids bring you to tears, and not in the good way. I need to breath. I need to step away from the chaos of disciplining and breath as I pray to the Lord for patience.

Heavenly Father give me grace.
Patience with by children, so that my tears are for joy not
Please allow me to be able to find time away from cleaning, cooking, laundry, and the repetitive work In my home.
I so desire to savour the gifts that are my Children.
Please allow me to discipline them as if you were to teach me of my sin.
Help me to breath in the patience.
That you have for me.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Titus is at the age that we would love for him to try different sports and activities. The 1st one that we have officially finished last Tuesday was indoor soccer! He was given this ornament by his coach.
He loved to run and be around his friend, this little guy below with his mouth open.
 Titus liked it, but was walking and sick of running after about 45 minutes. Soon enough both Ty and Eli will be getting into new activities. Eli seem like he enjoys pianos, and Ty wants to fight so who know where he is headed for sport!
Tommy took Ty to soccer for the first few weeks, until I wanted to... what a crazy coincidence that the lady you see with a white sweat shirt on was my PE teacher! Crazy! After our conversation we figured out she was in her second year of teaching. She continued and them realized she loved teaching soccer, she is married have had a 9 year old son. It was cool to remember the post. My brain seems to struggle with the present times, but I remembered her right away. She was wonderfully strict, and interestingly enough she has two different colored eyes.